FreyGen ALF
FreyGen ALF
A series of incubators based on thorough research giving us the insights needed for creating the ultimate “easy to handle – best results”– incubators that fit clinicians and their needs. We basically spent time learning from clinicians what they liked and disliked about the incubators on the market, took on board their comments, and created the FreyGen Incubators.
The story behind it
Frey is the ruler of peace and fertility in Nordic mythology, and ALF is the name of Kamilla’s oldest son. Two things that made sense bringing together when we had to name the new incubators. Alf was actually conceived in our FreyGen incubator. So, we’ve got proof that they work very well!
How it works
The FreyGen range of incubators are designed to provide the perfect environment in order to incubate and develop oocytes and embryos.
The incubators are referred to as Benchtop incubators and are ambient humidity or known as dry incubators.
What we have designed here for the 4 & 6 chamber is a large internal gas mixer, which means you do not need expensively mixed (tri) gas. Also, the size of the internal gas mixer means a rapid return to equilibrium.
The chambers are precision designed which is reflected in the small amount of Nitrogen we lose. From the chamber it is returned to the gas mixer and recycled, saving on gas usage and preventing cross-contamination.
Both the lid and the base are heated to give a uniform heat and that is verifiable by the two displays on each lid. One for the base and one for the lid. As the temperature is so critical it gives the clinician instant verification that the chamber is heated to the right temperature.
Easy to clean – easy to handle
Another thing we discovered was that the clinicians wanted something that was easily cleanable, which means that underneath these tray inserts there are no screws for dirt and bacteria to dwell, the seal and even the lid is removable. The trays are also removable, which makes them so easy to clean and to transport your dishes on a heated plate to your workstation.
We have a very intuitive simple touch display controlling the temperature, the gas concentrations, the fan speed, and typing in patient names. And this latter feature is quite unique… you can program in the patient's name rather than using tape or post-it notes which could come off which definitely adds to the security in your lab.
Many incubators on the market have the gas validation ports in the back which is a pain especially if the incubator is in a rack system, ours is in the front, and not only can you validate the chambers but also the gas mixer and the Hepa/VOC filter which also are accessible from the front.
Security above all
We heard from many people about difficult locking systems in the existing incubators – this too we took seriously so ours could not be easier by simply pointing the arrow lock in the air and lifting.
Finally, if anything should go wrong overnight, we have a remote alarm system and we also have a data logger so that the clinician can monitor the performance of the incubator. So, in other words, the FreyGen incubator shouldn’t cause you any stress on any level – it was created to make your life easier.